Adding the FOV
The field of view for the Seestar S50 is 0.73° x 1.29°
Resolution x: 1920px
Resolution y: 1080px
Chip Width: 5.60 mm
Chip height: 3.20mm
Rotation Angle: 90'
Binning x: 1
Binning y: 1
Name :Seestar S50
Focal Length: 250.00 mm
Diameter: 50.00 mm
Adding a Horizon:
Using the Theodolite App:
Download and install the Theodolite app from the Apple Store. This app will help you create your horizon data.
Log and Email:
Copy the log and email it to yourself. Focus on the following two columns:
Rename HDG_DEG to AZ (Your Azimuth)
Rename VERT to ALT
Data Cleaning:
Remove all other columns except for AZ and ALT.
Rename the lowest AZ value to 0.
Remove any duplicate AZ entries or increment by 1 to make them unique.
Saving as CSV:
Save the cleaned data as a CSV file.
Open the CSV file in Notepad and replace all commas (,) with spaces to create a space-delimited file.
Remove the column headers AZ and ALT or prepend them with a # to ignore them.
Save the file as LocalName_Horizon.hrz.
Creating the Folder:
Create a folder at C:\Program Files\Stellarium\landscapes\HomePortsmouth.
Adding Files:
Add your LocalName_Horizon.hrz file to this folder.
Copy the landscape.ini file from another folder and amend it as necessary.
Final File Structure:
Your final file structure should look like this:
C:\Program Files\Stellarium\landscapes\HomePortsmouth\
├── LocalName_Horizon.hrz
└── landscape.ini
8. Your file should look like this:
; Definition file for including a horizon compatible with Carte du Ciel.
name = HomePortsmouth
author = Bob Smith
description = Horizon line of Pompey
type = polygonal
polygonal_horizon_list = LocalName_Horizon.hrz
; in case the measured line was grid-relative only (meridian convergence issue) or had other problems, allow a corrective rotation also here.
; Unfortunately, a horizon with edges at exactly 0 or 180 degrees azimuth causes bad effects. Adding a minimal offset avoids this without causing much trouble.
; Because we can mix photo and polygon in the other classes, use a different name for the polygon rotation:
; Fill color for this landscape. It gets darkened at night
ground_color = .15,.45,.45
; Color for the line. It will not be drawn if this is not defined. This color will not be dimmed at night.
horizon_line_color = .25,.15,.15
; specify a minimum brightness value 0..1 to have the ground always visible.
minimal_brightness = 0.15
9. You now go into Stellerium and you will have your new horizon.