Pompey Astrophotography

The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.

As a complete beginner (May 2024), I'm doing my best to photograph the night sky in the South of England with the Seestar S50, Redcat 51mm and my Skywatcher 127mm, all from a Bortle 6/7 Sky. 

 I've always been fascinated by the night sky since I was young, but I assumed that capturing images of deep sky objects was something only experts could do. This is my corner of the internet where I document my journey, stumbling through and making plenty of mistakes, but learning something new along the way. 

Seestar S50

Equipment Details

Astro Essentials Precision Tripod Level Adjuster (AZ Mode)

It can also be run in EQ mode using the Seestar_Alp program and the Skywatcher Wedge

Redcat 51mm

Equipment Details

Skywatcher 127mm

Equipment Details