SN 2024vfo
SN 2024vfo
SN 2024vfo is a supernova discovered by Koichi Itagaki of Yamagata Prefecture in the UGC690 galaxy in the constellation Andromeda on September 11, 2024 (Japan time). Source. Given the faintness which is estimated at Magnitude 18, this is impressive from the Seestar. Its a type 2 II supernova. A Type II supernova occurs when a massive star, between 8 and 50 times the Sun's mass, rapidly collapses and explodes. These supernovae are identified by hydrogen in their spectra and typically found in the spiral arms of galaxies or H II regions, but rarely in elliptical galaxies, which lack the young, massive stars required for such explosions.
Object: Supernova SN 2024vfo near Ugc 690
Current Magnitude ITRO 18 based on details here
Location: Portsmouth, UK
Mount: Alt Az
Bortle Scale: 6/7
Nights: 2nd/3rd October 2024
Total Subs Used: 765 x 10 Subs
Seeing: Clear
Fits Stacked: Siril
Post-Processing Steps
1. GraXpert - Background extraction and Denoise v2.0
2. Siril - colour calibration, photometric colour calibration, removing green noise, colour calibration, histogram stretch, colour saturation.