
 I've decided to try my hand at planetary imaging. As a long-time visual observer with my 22-year-old Skywatcher 127mm MAK, which is still going strong, I've recently upgraded my setup. I've added a Skywatcher AZ-GTI mount and a ZWO ASI 678MC USB 3 camera. While planetary imaging presents a whole new set of challenges, my setup is working well, and the tracking is solid. However, focusing on planets, especially when they're low in the sky, has proven to be the most difficult task.  Saturn represents quite a challenge, below are my attempts.  As I progress Im using different techniques.  A peg on the focuser works well, with a light touch each time.  I try to take at least 180 seconds on the target.  Focus on the planetary detail as much as possible, difficult for Saturn, and look for the gap in the rings during periods of stability. 

Object: Saturn

Location: Portsmouth, UK

Telescope/Mount: Skywatcher 127mm/AZ-AGI

Bortle Scale: 7

Camera:  ZWO ASI 678MC USB 3 camera

Exposure: N/A

Gain: N/A

Nights:     2024-09-14T21:42:30.045Z

Total Subs Used: 50%

Seeing OK

Fits Stacked: Astro Surface

Post-Processing Steps

 Astro Surface

Zoomed in version

Capturing Details 

2 x Barlow

Capture Area Size = 1600 * 900

Capture Limit = 180 s

Debayer Preview = ON

Debayer Type = RGGB

EndCapture = 2024-09-14T21:46:00.628Z

Exposure = 9.317ms

FrameCount = 6395

Gain = 410

White Balance (B) = 99

White Balance (R) = 62

Saturn - 17/09/24

Still very new to this.  My third image of Saturn, but now with moons.  According to Stellarium, from the left Titan, Rhea and Tethys. First time I have ever seen them, so I am happy. I don't know how people do it, and there may be an easier way.  But with a crash course from my daughter using Photoshop, I essentially created two images, one overexposed to show the moons, then merged the layers to get this result. My equipment:  127mm MAK, ZWO ASI 678MC USB 3 camera, x2 economy barlow.  Captured in ASI Studio, stacked and processed in Astro Surface. 

Saturn - 19/09/2024

This one shows a bit more colour.  I have recently purchased a UV/IR filter.  I'm still playing with exposure and gain settings.

Capture Area Size = 320 * 240

Capture Limit = 180 s

Exposure = 6.061ms

FrameCount = 29322

Gain = 336

Total subs used:  50%