Description: Messier 106, also known as NGC 4258, is an intermediate spiral galaxy located in the constellation Canes Venatici. Discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1781, M106 is situated approximately 22 to 25 million light-years from Earth. This galaxy features an active nucleus, classified as a Type 2 Seyfert, and hosts a central supermassive black hole. Observations in the radio wavelengths have confirmed the existence of this black hole by detecting the rotation of a molecular gas disk within the inner light-year of its vicinity. Additionally, NGC 4217 is considered a potential companion galaxy to Messier 106.
Object: M106
Location: Portsmouth UK
Mount: EQ Skywatcher Wedge
Bortle Scale: 7
Total Session Time: 120 Mins
Nights: 8th June 2024
Total Subs: 369 x 10 Subs
Seeing: Good
Fits Stacked: Siril - Astro BBQ Stack Lights Relaxed Drizzled. Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2aJR6nwD8k
Post-ProcessingSteps :
GraXpert - Background extraction. Denoise v2.0. Siril - remove green noise, colour calibration, histogram stretch