Leo Triplet

M66 - Group

The Leo Triplet, also recognized as the M66 Group, comprises a compact cluster of galaxies located approximately 35 million light-years away in the Leo constellation. This group encompasses the spiral galaxies M65 (right), M66(left), and NGC 3628(top). The amazing thing is I'm actually seeing stars down to 16-17 magnitude from an inner city.  All processing done in Seestar. 363 x 10 Seconds from a single night on 05 May 2024.

Object: M66 - Group

Location: Portsmouth, UK

Mount: Alt Az

Bortle Scale: 7

Total Session Time: 60 Minutes

Nights:       05th May 2024

Total Subs Used: 363 x 10 Subs

Seeing Clear

Fits Stacked: Siril

Post-Processing Steps

1. GraXpert - Background extraction and Denoise v2.0 

2. Siril - color calibration, photometric color calibration,remove green noise, color calibration, histogram stretch, colour saturation.