
So the Moon is out, and while this can be a pain when we long for photographing our favourite galaxies and nebulae, I am often guilty of neglecting the planets and the Moon. I have a fairly budget setup; however, I get some satisfying results from my 127mm Skywatcher. So when the Moon's out, I now think it's time to image the planets. As I write this on 16 November 2024, all the planets are well positioned at a reasonable time. Saturn is now low on the southern horizon, so I will have to wait again until next year.  But Jupiter is rising in the east, and I can get a good view of it from my back garden. 


Processing Software:  Captured in Firecapture.  Processed in Astrosurface.  Used Photoshop to brighten moons.

2024 Dec 20 - 21:23

Jupiter with Callisto 

2024 Dec 20 - 21:29 

Jupiter showing the Great Red Spot and its four brightest moons.  Seeing was poor to fair. 

27 November 2024

Jupiter with Io (bottom left) and Ganymede.

Futher Details

Object: Jupiter

Location: Portsmouth, UK

Telescope/Mount: Skywatcher 127mm/AZ-AGI

Bortle Scale: 7

Camera:  ZWO ASI 678MC USB 3 camera

Exposure: N/A

Gain: N/A

Nights:     2024-11-15T20:40:35.115Z

Total Subs Used: 50%

Seeing OK

Fits Stacked: Astro Surface

Post-Processing Steps

 Astro Surface

Object: Jupiter

Location: Portsmouth, UK

Telescope/Mount: Skywatcher 127mm/AZ-AGI

Bortle Scale: 7

Camera:  ZWO ASI 678MC USB 3 camera

Exposure: N/A

Gain: N/A

Nights:     2024-11-15T20:40:35.115Z

Total Subs Used: 50%

Seeing OK

Fits Stacked: Astro Surface

Post-Processing Steps

 Astro Surface

Jupiters' Moons - 15 October 2024

Need to zoom in.  Jupiter and its moons.  Start bottom left and working up, Callisto, Ganymede, Io and Europa. 15/11/2024.