

The Crab Nebula, also known as M1, NGC 1952, or Taurus A, is the remains of a supernova explosion and a pulsar wind nebula located in the Taurus constellation. Its name comes from a sketch made in 1842 or 1843 by William Parsons, the 3rd Earl of Rosse, who thought the shape resembled a crab. The nebula was first discovered in 1731 by English astronomer John Bevis. It matches up with a bright supernova observed by Chinese astronomers in 1054, marking it as the first astronomical object linked to a supernova recorded in history. 

Object: M1

Location: Portsmouth, UK

Mount: Alt Az

Bortle Scale: 7

Nights:     29th  September 2024

Total Subs Used: 361 x 10 Subs

Seeing Clear

Fits Stacked: Siril

Post-Processing Steps

1. GraXpert - Background extraction and Denoise v2.0 

2. Siril - colour calibration, photometric colour calibration, removing green noise, colour calibration, histogram stretch, colour saturation.

3.  Lightroom